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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • When we were kids we had goldeneye or whatever and that was it barring a weekend rental from Blockbuster. Blockbuster is dead now. Netflix and online gaming killed it. Online gaming and Netflix/Youtube/etc. are like unlimited candy to a little kid. Yeah dad can limit them, or try to anyhow, but try limiting a alcoholic, see how that pans out. Even if they aren’t drinking they’re still gonna be in withdrawal and a pain to deal with. You won’t have to deal with him. Kiddos dad will.

    If you want to do something for your nephew, get them an experience. Take them camping, or to a book store, gokarts, the science museum, something he can tell his buddies about later. Dad will appreciate time without them, kiddo experiences a non-teacher non-parent adult, which is rare for them.

    My nephew gets books from me on xmas and birthdays, stuff I either read at his age, or that is just age appropriate. Later I’ll take him to a bookstore to let him pick what he wants, then we go get food. Sometimes what he wants, sometimes we go do stuff like get dumplings so he can try something new.